I’ve often wondered if the planners of the Normandy invasion had any idea that the military term “D-Day” would become synonymous in certain regions where English is spoken with “the day on which momentous, potentially hazardous things happen.” I wonder this because I also think that it’s not very often that we get advance warning that events like this are about to happen.
Sure, we plan for weddings and we get plenty of warning about most births, which are also momentous, but how often do we get a warning that our life is about to change in a major way that isn’t of our choosing? Likely we get warning more often than not, I think, but the signs are often small and we often ignore them because human beings have a large talent for self-delusion and rationalization. I’ve been thinking about this a lot for the past few days because most of the signs in my professional life point to a major change coming.
I think I’m about to get laid off.
Actually, that’s not true. Getting laid off wouldn’t be the worst case scenario of what my obsessive brain has determined are the three most likely possibilities at an organization one of my local co-workers described recently as “having a whiff of the Titanic about it.” No, getting laid off is actually second shittiest thing Management could do to me at this point. [Read more…] about L-Day