I understand why people write green crayon letters about things that for the rest of us are of little or no import. Some of them write them because they are possessed of insanity of one flavor or another. The voices tell them to write these letters. They become convinced that the fate of the world hinges on some small thing they think no one else has noticed.
Some people write those green crayon letters because they see something Not Quite Right and it offends their moral sensibilities. Clearly the world would be a better place if people actually knew how to use the apostrophe or if engineers gave a single moment’s thought to how actual people really used the things they were designing and designed those things around that behavior rather than blindly thinking that behavior follows form.
But most people, I think, write those green crayon letters not because they are clinically insane or because their inner pedant has gotten out to play. Most people write green crayon letters because they’ve finally woken up to the fact that they are caught in a gigantic, unfair system with almost no power and what little power they do have would take so much time to exercise that any victory would by Pyrrhic at best.
For the new job I had to buy grown-up clothes. Admittedly, khakis and shirts with a collar aren’t all that grown-up but when you’ve spent about a decade going to work in jeans and a t-shirt the change can be a bit jarring. Because they offer it, and because I like that nice Armani break in my pants, I chose an online retailer that allowed me to order my pants in a custom hemmed length and they have dutifully performed until recently. During their first wash and dry cycle one of these pairs of pants lost an inch worth of inseam length which is fine as long as I either stay standing all the time or I don’t mind that nice band of pasty white skin between the hem of my trousers’ leg and the top of my socks when I sit down.
Now I find myself at one of those decision points: do I spent my precious time hassling with retailer-who-shall-remain-nameless over these pants that are now half an inch shorter than I’d normally buy them if custom hemming weren’t available or do I simple go on their web site and write a green crayon review of their clearly inferior product?
I’m not really sure but what I do know is the next time I order pants I’m ordering them an inch longer than I need them to be.