In some ways this whole NaBloPoMo thing is a lot harder than writing the first draft of a novel in 30 days. With the novel the only critics that need dealing with are the ones inside your own head. It’s a true creative effort bearing down and making a characters and conflict into a story that is even vaguely coherent.
With the blog if you’ve volunteered to be listed then, theoretically, you have to assume there is an audience. I don’t do well in front of crowds. Never have.
I promised myself these entries would look outward, that I’d try to get my head out of my ass long enough to formulate some opinions about what is going on in the world around me. I’ve been paying attention for a week now and it is draining at the very least and makes me fear for the fate of humanity at the very worst. In the last week the following news has passed before my eyes:
- A 19 year old in Alabama man admits to raping his mother, who was passed out drunk on the living room couch, as revenge against his brother after an argument over a girl. (story)
- The Virginia Governor’s race seems to have boiled down to a choice between a racist and a misogynist, both of whom are probably equally homophobic. (political ads by state: Virginia)
- We’ve fucked up the planet so much that analysts are now predicting there won’t be any seafood left in the oceans by 2048 (story)
- The Week reports that in nearly 30 years the wage gap for women has only closed 18% with women making 81%, up from the 1979 figure of 63%, of the median weekly earnings of men.
And yet, I still wonder silly, seemingly irrelevant things like: why has American cinema sucked so badly for the past decade and is there any hope for it in the future? (Thoughts coming soon in: Lawrence Kadsan: Why hast thou foresaken us?)
And yes, I’m whining today. Blame lack of sleep or the fantastic headache that won’t go away. Everyone is entitled to at least one off day.
For cogent commentary on the world try wandering over to visit St. Tropez Butler, find out what everyday encounter M. Luminous has turned into something lyrical and beautiful, get a delicious recipe from QCTester, or go encourage Jim in his pursuit of a finished novel this year.
I’ll have something more illuminating tomorrow.