I could blather about the midterm elections and how it’s not as bad as it could be, or about how maybe the change in the legislature will make it so Obama actually gets off his ass and does something about the one thing that all Americans can (likely) agree needs fixing. Instead, I’m going to say that apparently the first week in November is the week we should all worry about our jobs.
The first thing I did Monday morning was send a note on behalf of my employer’s Board of Directors letting staff know that BigBoss had “resigned” effective the previous Friday. I’m using quotations because from what I’ve heard from my new officemate, his resignation was a surprise to BigBoss. In some ways it shouldn’t have been and in some ways it was undeserved.
True, he did drive us into a financial ditch by spending a ton of money on things the organization didn’t really need or couldn’t make use of. Did we really need a $60,000+ all staff meeting in the spring of 2008 five months after the National Bureau of Economic Research, the organization responsible for these things in the U.S., had already declared us in a recession? On the macro level, it probably did something for staff cohesion to have everyone meet everyone else, and I’m sure the workshops were useful to many me included, but from a financial standpoint it wasn’t the smartest expenditure ever. [Read more…] about Leadership transition