Courtesy of Violet Sharp who seems kinda cool.
Funny Bone
Best subject line ever
I get a lot of junk e-mail. A lot. Most of it is utter crap, computer generated stuff that wouldn’t even trap the most naive user (hint: if you’re trying to sell me fake pills you might want to spell the name of them correctly in your come on).
Every now and then, though, one of the subject lines in my junk folder catches my eye. This one was today’s as I rushed around changing passwords because a certain web vendor who deals with non-profits had their password database stolen.
FW: gynaecological oleomargarine
The mind simply boggles, doesn’t it?
Is it real or is it The Onion?
Read this item and tell me if it’s real or if it’s from that satirical “newspaper” The Onion
Sex, Drugs and Premature Death
Study Finds Rock Stars Die Earlier Than Ordinary Citizens
LONDON, Sept. 4 — Living fast and dying young has long been part of rock-and-roll lore.
And now there are statistics that affirm the image, according to a study released Tuesday.
Researchers at Liverpool John Moores University, whose report appeared in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, studied a sample of North American and British rock and pop stars and concluded they are more than twice as likely to die a premature death as ordinary citizens of the same age.
The team studied 1,064 stars from the rock, punk, rap, R&B, electronic and new age genres in the “All Time Top 1,000” albums published in 2000. They compared each artist’s age at death with that of European and U.S. citizens of similar backgrounds, sex and ethnicity.
That’s Dame Shirley to you
YouTube finally rendered up something worth watching. And I just have to share because this tickles me so:
Dame Shirley Bassey (yes, Goldfinger Shirley Bassey) and her rendition of Pink’s Get This Party Started
And the headlines just keep coming
I’m not a big fan of religious discrimination of any stripe. I’m also not personally convinced that Scientology is a religion and not a cult (my personal breaking point: can I study it without having to pay money? No? Then you’re a cult.). Some people disagree.
All of that said this from the BBC is possibly the funniest headline I’ve seen in a long damn time. And I’m forced to wonder, will people try to smuggle Tom Cruise into Germany the way they try to smuggle dope out of The Netherlands?