Don’t get me wrong: Fantasy novels are hard. And just because Tolkien, essentially, stole the German national folk tale, twisted it 30 degrees and added some of his own filips doesn’t mean he didn’t work hard. But I have to wonder if he thought about things like this:
- Do these people have the fork?
- In a society where there is no “one true God,” what does someone say when they stub their toe or break a dish? (Quite a bit of our vulgarity is God based if you really think about it; after all, you can’t say “damn it!” because damnation implies hell and hell is a Judeo-Christian construct.)
- Do they have glass? And if not, what do they put in their windows?
- Is it rude to leave your characters mid-grope to go have dinner? (I know Tolkien never had to think about that one).
All that said, it’s going very well. More on that later. We now return you to the promised silence
<insert sound of crickets chirping>