More potential client fun
Apparently the potential client tried to email me on Monday but the message was “returned as undeliverable.” Despite this, it was urgent that I call them…at 12:40 p.m. Eastern time. Apparently these people have never heard of lunch.
So after replying to some on who is on Pacific time ASAP both by email and with a voicemail message (tip of the nib to Jim for the Google voice invite), I still hadn’t heard back from them by 6 p.m. On the west coast.
Oh and did I mention they want another call to discuss how I’m going to do the work? Nor did they send the access information I need to actuall get into their systm to do the work.
Did I also mention that they didn’t even ask where they could send a signed contract?
Yeah it’s going to be like that.
Legitimate excuse to avoid conference calls
I’m not a big fan of the phone. It’s got all the awkwardness of a cocktail party shrunk down into miniature. Now I have an excuse to stay off it as much as possible: I can’t really open my mouth.
Yes, it’s rubber band time with the braces. While I’m wearing the “elastics” as my dentist so lovingly refers to them, I can really only get my teeth apart just enough to wedge in a straw so I can stay hydrated. Guess I have to do my best not to get sick again any time in the next two months otherwise I’ll sufficate on my on snot.
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