Strange days indeed the past few have been. In addition to suddenly feeling the need to mimic Yoda, I find myself loose and relaxed. Why? ScreamyBoss announced last week that he has resigned.
So yes, while he’s moving on to a better job that pays more money which will go farther and while he doesn’t really deserve all of those things – he is, after all, ScreamyBoss – the net result to me is still a benefit. He’s out of my face.
I expect that I’ll be boss-less for at least six months. Even though our FearlessLeader (aka: BigBoss) is “committed to keeping the department fully staffed” I’m sure that other senior members of the management team would like to be saving the salary in this economy.
Either way, it’s going to take a while for them to replace him which means I get to do my job without having to do the additional job of fighting my boss to do my job. And if they are smart they’ll hire my current coworker to replace him.
Even if they aren’t, right now this looks like a win.