It’s taking me about 40 minutes to get warmed up. Not anything new or surprising. I’m also starting to feel like a hack. Right on cue my internal editor unleashes its claws and grips my neck, all the better to get access to my ear so it can whisper things like “You have 12,000 words worth of prologue. Are you stupid? That’s like George Lucas telling the entire first act of Star Wars in that bullshit ’50s era crawl!”
I had to kill a character today. It made me miss my uncle. No, writers don’t turn themselves inside out or anything, not at all.
Word count on the right. Tomorrow: 2,000 more. But at least Metro is obliging me with “minor delays” which let me get the most out of my morning commute.
Tell the Editor to hush — it’s too early for her to be involved in the process. She can edit later, when the draft is done.
You are free to write the worst crap in America.
what a great title for this post. i couldn’t agree more. good luck!