40,270 Sometimes writing is better than sex. And before anybody blows shit at me about the quality of my sex life 1) read the above statement carefully, and 2) look deep in your heart and answer this question: how many novels have you written?
jim says 24 November 2007 at 2:51 Awesome progress! (and now you’re at 92%!) (And no, I wouldn’t read anything into the quality of your personal affairs from that statement. If anything, I’ve described some of my long [>300 mile] soirées on the bike that way for the same reasons.)
Awesome progress! (and now you’re at 92%!)
(And no, I wouldn’t read anything into the quality of your personal affairs from that statement. If anything, I’ve described some of my long [>300 mile] soirées on the bike that way for the same reasons.)