This is all Mit’s fault. Well it is: she’s the one who tagged me with this meme. Eight things indeed…it gets a little easier when I look at the actual rules and realize that it’s “eight random facts or habits” not necessarily “eight things no one knows about me.” That second one: a little difficult but only slightly more difficult than differentiating between “things about me” and “things I think” has been.
So…the rules:
- We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
- Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
- People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
- At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
- Don’t forget to leave them a comment on their blog telling them they’re tagged, and you read their blog.
The Facts:
- I used to have hair down to my ass. Plaited my braid was as thick as my wrist is wide. I miss it. I cut it all off because of a girl and haven’t felt as powerful since. Lessons learned: 1) all those psychologists who equate long hair with childish femininity are FOS, and 2) never cut your hair unless you want to for reasons you fully understand yourself.
- I read the same book every year in December: Terry Pratchett’s Hogfather. It reminds me that the mid-winter holidays are about something way more important than plastic, motion-activated, pedophile-looking Santa Claus faces that play The Little Drummer Boy in 8 tinny notes over and over and over again until you want to smash them with a hammer.
- I got my first e-mail address 22 years ago. I still have it.
- I took woodshop and home ec during the same year in junior highschool. As a result I can both build a bookcase and make my own cannoli. I see nothing at all contradictory about this state of being. I should mention that I did fail the sewing unit; sewing your shirt to the pattern will do that every time.
- I’ve done sound mixing for commercials for three major Presidential campaigns, several gubernatorial campaigns, and recorded one independent feature film.
- I am on my second career path. If I had to choose a third I’d probably choose baker. The hours suit me and I’m good with flour.
- I haven’t balanced my check book in 15 years.
- I have been published three times but never paid. I’m hoping to change that soon.
All of that said number 9 is this: I do not have eight people I feel I can tag with this. I have tagged:
Yay! Good job. And now I know what I’m going to pick for “my turn” in the Sci Fi reading club! See, you’re so “pretty”.