If my personal pattern from the last couple of years had held, I’d have about 46,000 words of a novel today. As it is I’ve got a raging sinus infection and no ideas for commentary on the beginning of the gluttony Christmas season. So, I bring you a mash up of questions and thoughts that just haven’t evolved into things meriting a full blog entry.
When will Thanksgiving become politically incorrect?
With obesity being described as a “global epidemic” how long do you really think it will be before Thanksgiving becomes an unacceptable holiday in American culture? It is, after all, an entire holiday dedicated to overeating despite all the publicity about giving thanks for the people in our lives, for their health and good fortune.
Why is it that the big guys are all so damn pokey?
My friends Steve and Jim are 6’4″ and 6’5″, respectively, and I love going out in public with them. At 5’9″ with a healthy build standing around with them is the only time I ever feel even vaguely petite or feminine. They are, however, two of the pokiest walkers I’ve ever met, just lollygagging along to a point where even I feel hobbled. I asked Jim about this once and his reply was that he’d gotten used to slowing down for those of us with less vertical lift.
Is it just me or is the umbrella the most useless thing ever invented?
Seriously, they only work if it rains straight down and there’s no wind, which it never, ever does and there always is. And even in the event of a weather singularity where it does just rain straight down the umbrella does nothing for blowback from your shoes as you walk so you still end up wet from about mid-calf down. So…umbrellas: good for when it’s raining straight down, there’s no wind and you’re standing absolutely still.
Re umbrellas – nah. Nope. You’re too demanding – most of them at the very very least keep the rain off your head – so there’s no small waterfall running down your forehead and off the end of your nose. And you can see thru your glasses – mostly.
Even if your back is getting wet, you’re pretty dry in front down to waist level. That’s all worth a lot.
The only thing that will do as good a job is one hell of a big cowboy hat – and there are other problems with that – you mentioned it’s always windy?
Umbrellas aren’t particularly useful in this part of the country, either, because we have a drippy rain almost all the time. Plus we keep forgetting our umbrellas (and sunglasses and sunscreen…)
2nd on the uselessness of umbrellas. Never owned one in Az – cause if it’s raining you just wait 1/2 hour at the max and the rain is gone!
But here? It was embarrasing to call in late to work because AN HOUR LATER it was still pouring down – and you’re right – USELESS when it’s windy – or if the circumference of your shoulders is greater than the umbrella outline. *shakes head*
I dragged myself out of my blog silence just to bitch about Christmas….I love Anti Christmas counter measures.
Thanksgiving…gratitude by way of gluttony rather than sharing….I don’t get it either.
Big guys slowness could be also perhaps attributed that they have to navigate spaces made too small to accomodate them (doorways and sidewalks etc) without rudely bumping smaller folks in the process?
(I’d assume you’d have no problem keeping up with a quicker strides of big guys because I recall you mentioning being tall….damn you tall people :D, leaving us shorties behind)
Umbrellas….even if you manage to get proper use out of the damn thing, carrying the soaked folded object just dirties your coat anyway. Meh.