We have dial-the-weather in DC. Any time of the day or night you can dial 202-936-1212 and our local tel-monopoly will provide you with both a “get out of the door” and a more extended weather forecast for the DC metro area. They’ve been doing this for as long as I can remember (we also have dial the time as well). I have no idea of this is something that is available in any other city or not <makes note to self to check the next time I travel> but it’s something I take advantage of on a regular basis.
There are three meteorologists who do the forecast at our dial-the-weather line: there’s the one I think of as “bland guy” because he is, well, bland. His delivery is as featureless as an all white room with no windows. Just the facts of the prediction.
Then there’s Eeyore. They usually put him on for rainy days when his “nothing is going to be alright; you’ll probably get soaked, catch pneumonia and die on the way to work” delivery suits the skies. I know it isn’t the guy’s fault that he’s got a really deep voice but he could certainly do something about the delivery.
And finally there’s my favorite, “happy guy.” No matter what time of day you call he’s cheerful, upbeat, and willing to enthuse about whatever weather might be on the way. If you call in the morning he’ll also inform you if there’s anything “special” going on that particular day. This is how I learned initially that September 19th is Talk like a pirate day and that in addition to being National Coming Out Day October 11th is also Take Your Teddy Bear to Work Day. This morning in his usual chirpy way “happy guy” told me that today was National Coping With Uncertainty Day.
If it is true as Messrs. Densmore, Krieger, Manzarek, and Morrison tell us that “the future is uncertain and the end is always near” wouldn’t every day be coping with uncertainty day?