Two things from yesterday evening, one as I prowled the halls of the local elementary school to find the auditorium in which I was to exercise my franchise (in other words: yes, I went and voted; there, happy now?)…
1) Why don’t we call it landfood? Seriously, people…if everything that we get from the sea that we eat is called “seafood” why don’t we call all the stuff we grow and raise on the ground “landfood?”
I confess I think that this thought is a side effect of knowing several people who live on islands (because as you know, on an island [everybody chorus!] if you didn’t bring it, it ain’t there).
2) What’s my obligation to protect from identity theft someone who hasn’t lived at my address for more than 10 years? The woman of the couple TGF and I bought our house from received one of those “You are pre-approved! Here, please, steal my identity thank you so much!” credit card applications in today’s mail.
Under the law, since it is a certain type of mail (not quite bulk but also not first class either) I’m not obligated to forward it (nor would the post office be able to do so). But am I obligated to open it up and shred the contents? No, I have not yet achieved the holy grail of office supplies which means I’d have to open the envelope to get rid of the sucker.
Sure, shredding the application and the rest of the effluvia would be a kind thing to do, a responsible thing, but just because it is those things am I required to do it?
Oh, and as a random side note: I turned over 1,000 miles on the odometer on my “new” car yesterday. I use the word new cautiously as while, yes, it is a single owner (me) vehicle I’ve had it since the end of January. Is it any wonder my last car was 16 years old and had less than 60,000 miles on it when I traded it it?
Not profound thoughts but still, they got me a blog entry, didn’t they?
Maybe because landfood lends it self more easily to sub catagorization on restaurant menus? Being that the average restaurant only has about 10 seafood dishes, it would make the menus awkward if they were broken down into “fish”, “crustacean” , “squid and octopi” and so on.