The office building at my new job is something of an a monstrosity: three floors above ground and three “below” because it is built into a hill where the windows for the below ground offices look out the back of the building onto Rock Creek Park.
Today one of my coworkers called me into his office and pointed out the window. Following his indictor I saw there perched in a tree an immature Broad Winged Hawk.
She was absolutely stunning. (I say immature because of the coloring and she because of the size; among birds of prey the female tends to be larger). Just sitting there, cleaning her feathers with the full realization that she is, in fact, the master of her universe and if you’re a mouse, vole, or rat you’d better watch out.
Sometimes nature gives you a little gift. This is one of those times.
Oh, and I did I mention they’re predicting 70degF for a high today? Nice.