Went on a job interview today for a position for which I am utterly qualified at an organization that I would have no problems with supporting its mission for quite some time to come. But they asked the question: how do you see this job fitting in with your career ambitions?
Now how the hell do you answer that question when you don’t have any career ambitions?
It was very hard not to say flat out, “Look, I want a job where I get to do stuff that I like to do, which is where I’ve developed my professional skills, working for people who aren’t complete assholes. My ambitions are not professional; they’re personal and they don’t really have any impact on my ability to do a good job for you in this position.”
But I didn’t. And maybe they’ll invite me back for a second interview. Or maybe they won’t and if they don’t, they don’t know what they’ll be missing.
* I already own a lot of orange and blue clothing was the sum of my friend Kathy’s essay on why she wanted to go to the University of Virginia. Needless to say, she was rejected and got to go to the school she wanted to go to not the one her parents would have preferred.
I love the honesty of your answer. It’s one I’ve often thought (though not so eloquetly). Heck, the career ambition question should be waived for anyone over thirty. I hope they’re wise toinvite you back or, to save time, extend an offer. When do you expect to hear back from them?
One of my favorite movie lines regarding career ambitions: “I don’t want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don’t want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. You know, as a career, I don’t want to do that.” (Lloyd, _Say Anything_)