Well…I think I quit my job today. I’m not really sure.
Six months since I took a hybrid communications/administration job, some out of necessity some out of opportunity, with my current employer. Let’s just say it’s not a good fit.
Nor, am I finding, that the organization is a good fit after 18 months or so. The insecurity about making payroll from month to month added on to the fact that I’ve got absolutely no peer group (no one with whom to eat lunch; no one who “gets” my sense of humor) leads me to believe it is time to go.
And, naturally, my boss doesn’t want me to leave. Mostly, I think, because I’m damn good at what I do and he knows what a bargain he’s getting; some because he genuinely likes me (as I do him).
He’s going to sit on what I told him for a couple of days, but I don’t see reconfiguring my job making me happy (after all, are they going to hire anyone as snarky as me at an organization that prays at staff meetings?), and I certainly don’t see our funding problem going away any time soon.
Which leaves me with managing my money really, really carefully and trying to be smart about what jobs I apply for while I run on the psychological equivalent of fumes.
But hey, good news: the minimum wage in DC is now up to $7/hour