So I just interviewed for a job at an Association…a job I could definitely do, that they would pay me a very decent salary for doing (OK, so it’s in a kind of barren part of town but it’s not as horrible as the job I had two years ago (a 60 minute commute door to door [shudder] that included a 30 minute walk in a town where you can get pretty much anywhere from anywhere else by public transpo in 30-40 minutes)) for a Membership that, while moderately conservative (business for profit), isn’t completely skanky working for someone who seems to have her head screwed on right and seems to have a similar professional background to mine. And I’ll probably get invited back for a second round interview to “meet the team.”
So why am I terrified?
And why can’t the Thoughts that Come Unbidden ever be about tanned, toned young things in togas serving cold, fruity drinks in a relaxing, spa-like setting?
A good boss makes a world of difference in one’s job-karma. Good karma leads to thoughts of tanned, toned young things in togas serving cold, fruity beverages.
Do you want the position?