It’s not quite finished yet, probably another five or six hundred more words, but I had enough to submit a scrambled version of the book for official counting today and have been declared a winner for National Novel Writing Month 2005.
A few facts while I prepare to resume normal service:
- Official word count to “win” NaNoWrimo 2005: 50,120
- Worst writing day (word production): Sunday, November 20 (467 words)
- Worst writing day for morale: Tuesday, November 15
- Number of scenes written and discarded: 9
- Number of pounds gained: 0
- Number of times I thought I was a talentless hack: too many to count
- Number of episodes of Lost I’m behind: 2 (don’t worry, they’re taped!)
- Number of invaluable comments of support from STB, Jim, and others: way more than I deserve
I have some thoughts, on the aforementioned song description, and some movie reviews (does it bother anyone but me that Jane Austen didn’t bother to give her men first names?), and a lot of catching up to do and commenting. Not to mention a book to finish!
Thank you all so much for your patience. We will rejoin our regularly scheduled program already in progress.
Congratulations! Now, when (if) do we get to read it? I know, just bring it when you come for Christmas. (hint, hint)
And no, you are not the only one who has wondered about why Jane Austen didn’t bother to give her men first names. I saw Pride and Prejudice last night, and I had that very same thought. Loved the movie though, but then again, I’m a huge fan of Austen, and of overly romantic love stories.
My oh my. Time flies when you’re writing a novel.
Happy to hear the update!
Stupid me…
A big Congrats too!