With only five days left in October my characters seem to have deserted me. I’m not worried, though. I’m up to my ass in index cards with scence and character names and questions to remind me of things. I did the scene “sequencing” this morning: I put them in the order they’ll occur in the story’s flow which is, mind you, not the same order in which I wrote them down.
Now I’ve got to do character sketch cards. Basically, I take each major character and write a series of cards for him or her that tells me all kinds of stuff from the physical (height, weight, hair color, eye color, sex) to the emotional (what type of sense of humor does this person have? what is this person’s outlook on life? her sense of morality? sexual orientation? religious beliefs?) and on through to relationships with and perception by the other characters (this person is seen as reliable and trustworthy; that one is a lot of fun, but don’t count on him).
And then, on Tuesday, I write. While there may be some blog entries during November (probably movie reviews; I confess to being a movie junkie), there may not be much. I’ve already decided this year not to do a blog for this novel. Too much risk for virtually no feedback.
We’ll know more later.
I personally find this very exciting. I’ll miss you not blogging, but certainly understand.
Look forward to the updates when they come!
I’m very impressed you’ve done sequencing and are working on character sketch cards. (It’s going to be a long month for me…) Good luck!