Bouts of depression blow: there aren’t two ways around it. But what’s really worse than the whole feeling like utter crap – swimming up stream – crying at the drop of a hat for no good reason – wanting to do nothing but sleep ball of wax is the fact that I can’t remember a damn thing from one day to the next.
I found a really neat camera case online this weekend (was it Saturday or Sunday? I don’t know.) Sort of neoprene, wrap thing that would accomodate both the auto-winder I have and the camera body with a lens. Came in all kinds of bright colors, all of which reversed to black. And I’ll be god damned if I can remember where, or even the search I used to get to the web site I saw this on.
And if I’m like this in my mid-30s, what’s another 20 years of up and down gonna do to my memory? I’m really not looking forward to the day when I have to carry an index card around that has my home address and phone number written on it.
I am about your age, and am not on any medication, other than the occaisional ibuprofen for cramps, and my memory is likewise turning to shit. I, too, have worried what this portends for my “golden years”.