All I have to say is: New Zealand is very pretty and thank god this is the last film.
And all this rot because the elves (you can never trust an elf, anyone with half a brain knows this) couldn’t do what needed to be done (destroy the ring) in the first place.
– – – – – – Spoiler Alert – – – – – –
Frodo fails, miserably. He gives in to the temptations of the ring. The only reason it gets destroyed in the end, and it does get destroyed, is because Sam wants to go home. He wants to see his beloved shire, to sit in the grass in the warm breeze with a cold mug beside him before he dies.
Aragorn gets crowned king, as we all knew he would right from the beginning, and Frodo and his Uncle end up sailing off with the elves, for we know they can’t be trusted because of the taint of having borne the ring.
When will it be time for Episode III of Star Wars and how badly is that going to suck?