The Zucker brothers must be laughing their asses off at the current crop of parody films, especially considering their close involvement with them. Given that the Scary Movie series is a parody of what was one of the most clever parodies of all time (Scream), you’d think it would improve with age. Given, as well, that Scary Movie 3 specifically skewers two of the most ridicule-worthy films of the past two years, Signs and The Ring, you’d think there would be more laughs. Sadly, there aren’t.
Like its two predecessors, this movie has some downright laugh out loud, think you are going to pee your pants funny moments (see the scene where the rappers come from “The Hood” to help defend the farm house from the alien invasion). They are, however, few and far between. The movie’s best bit, by far, isn’t really funny as much as it is perceptive.
Cindy Campbell (Anna Faris) goes to see Aunt ShaNeequa (Queen Latifah) for the key to the mysterious tape that kills after seven days anyone who views it. Latifah’s turn both pokes holes in and gives great homage to Gloria Foster’s portrayal of the Oracle in The Matrix and The Matrix: Reloaded. From the wig, to the way she holds her head, to the speech cadence, Latifah does Foster to absolute perfection. Meanwhile, Eddie Griffin as Orpheus distills all the seriousness out of the Laurence Fishburne inspired character, even more than Fishburne himself did in The Matrix: Reloaded. The really disappointing part about this is that there were significant scenes, which were in the trailer, that have been cut from the theatrical release.
So, if you’re in the right mood, this movie could be just the ticket, in the wrong mood, it’s mildly amusing at best. I’m giving it 2.5 out of 5.